
Showing posts from January, 2018
After watching the video about Niels Diffrient "Rethinking how we sit down', I've come to the conclusion that life can take you anywhere, and do anything. Niels Diffrient started out wanting to design/create airplanes in the 30's. A cool approach for an interesting life. He didn't get to do what he really wanted to do in life. But, he did still get to do something that was sort of related to what he originally wanted to do: drawing airplanes. He enjoyed doing it enough, to have done it for 25 years! Until he grew tired of it. Then he decides to design his own office chair! Completely random, and having absolutely nothing to do with his original goal for what he wanted to do in life. I'm glad he designed his own new office chair. He took an already existing item, and made it better ten fold! At the end of the video, he seemed so proud of himself for what he had accomplished in his life. I don't blame him at all!! It's great seeing or hearing about things
I feel like no one nowadays takes pride in what they do for a living. When you're designing something, you have to make it look appealing. Not just to you either. Think of what would be appealing to everyone, so they would see it. In the article about the driving signs in London, I feel like no one cared about how they looked or how they would interpret the sign. Which is bad. No one thought that if they didn't make the signs as clear as possible, that people would misinterpret the signs. I really think they didn't need to drastically change the original driving signs in London, as they did. As the saying goes, "If it ain't broke, don't fix it"they should've just left the old signs, and reused them. 
  I have taken a lot of computer classes in the past through school, and outside of school. I hope to get a refresher on Adobe Photoshop and Illustrator with this class. Computers help people understand a lot of things easier through visual learning and educate through visual learning. My senior year of high school, I took a computer graphics class. I really enjoyed it! I feel like I will have the same outcome with this course. I originally had a Toshiba Satellite brand laptop running Windows 7. I needed a new one badly!! This past Christmas I got an HP Pavilion brand laptop running Window 10 on it. I love it!!! Neither laptop has Photoshop or Illustrator. I prefer to use a PC than a Mac, but I'll use either. I'm not a visual studies major. I want to major in Video Game design. I'd love love to work for one of my favorite video game companies working with them to design/create new video games. I love Akira Toriyama's artwork in the Dragon Ball animes, ma