Homework #6

                                          The 100 Mega Shock: The Neo Geo Story
             In the 90's, a Japanese video game company called "SNK" made their own video game arcade cabinet. It was in the 90's so arcades were still big at that point. SNK called their arcade cabinet the "Neo Geo Multi Video System", or Neo Geo M.V.S for short. What was so special about their arcade cabinet? At that time, one arcade cabinet could only run one video game per cabinet. With the Neo Geo M.V.S, it could run multiple games on one cabinet. So it saved arcade owners lots of room of having to keep buying other arcade cabinets. The Neo Geo M.V.S actually ran big cartridge video games that you could insert into it, and take out to put other games in too. In my documentary, I will teach and educate people about SNK's amazing brand of Neo Geo video game systems. Most people don't even know it existed back in the day. Now, the world will now about it. 


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