
FINAL project business plan

The business I am creating is " Games Galore by Dillmore". It will be a small business video game store. The store will feature both retro and modern video games, and systems. I feel like anyone could come into my store, no matter what age they are. The store would most likely be geared toward teenagers, and young adults. My competition would be Gamestop, and any other small business video game stores that are close to where my store is located. I feel like more people would come into my store than to a Gamestop, because we actually stock retro video games and systems, whereas Gamestop doesn't sell them in their stores. I feel like it is great to get to know your customers that come into your store. I personally would talk to customers about video games, and not try to smooth talk them into buying/preordering games they don't even want!! I really feel like my store would have a great atmosphere for customers to come into, and enjoy there time spent in my store.

You're tearing me apart Lisa!


3rd project Self Portrait


Homework #7

Wow, this was a funny, interesting story. It was messed up, but funny how Neil Stansfield actually tricked people into buying his "organic" food when it really wasn't at all. I think it's also funny how gullible people are to just buy an item right away depending on the label on the front. I for one, am definitely not like that. That would be like me going to buy some new video games, and choosing the games based on the cover art of the game, and not knowing anything about the game. ( I have actually done this before too. Usually doesn't work out good.) So that is why I stopped choosing new video games that way. Nowadays, I go on Youtube and look up gameplay to see if I would enjoy how the game plays. I really think people should look past labels, and buy items because they should know what they're buying from the start. We shouldn't HAVE to rely on a label to tell us about an item. Even though, sometimes it is good to have a label to tell you what you'

2nd project movie poster
